One of the longest processes of candle making is the testing. there are so many hours that go into this. It’s not as simple as just melt some wax, add a wick and some fragrance and everything will be great.
There is actually a lot of work that goes into it.
Firstly I need to decide on a fragrance that I want to try. I will then generally make a melt or t-light , let that cure & then test the fragrance first. Not every fragrance combo is going to work. Trust me there have been some definite failures! But the ones that I do have, have been tried & tested.
Then if the fragrance works I need to make a candle of each size that i want to produce it in. Let them cure, then the fun begins.
Wick testing. This can take quite along time, especially with the palm pillars, as they burn for about 90 hours. And you can’t just test one, you need to make a couple to make sure that everything is right.
So yeah the testing process is long.
Hope you have a great weekend.