Product Photography

Sit back and browse through a selection of our beautiful product images. Click/tap each image to view full size. Who knows? You may find something that you like! Except Archie. He’s not for sale!

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Producing tin candles is no small affair, at times it's a major production line.
The Morning Glory, you know you want one
Even the Not So Playne Jayne fragrances, can be not your everyday.
Even the Anti-Valentines range has a softer side.
Halloween is always my favorite time of year.
Peppered Rainbow, the first of the Origional Dark Side scents
The always changing set up of the market stall. As the brand grows, the stall set up changes
Cast Iron Cauldron Candles with & without necklaces became a thing.
Always wanting attention, snuggles and naps, Satan's Little Helper AKA Archie, isn't very helpful

This is how the jars get done as a small batch pour.

The sweet floral fragrance of Cannabis Blossom, combined with Pineapple Sorbet & Orange, is truly enough to come back for
Also available in the mini.
Custom made fragrances are available for all your needs, whether it be a wedding, gift box or corporate function, we are happy to work with you to bring your fragrance alive.
Melts come in a range of products, from bars, to clam shells and molds.

If you’ve never seen one of my candles melt, here is what some of them look like.

Pop Up stores kept me busy.

All lined up and ready to go


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